(解答例)He has a wide (a narrow) circle of friends.
(解答例)Unkind words wound.
(参考)What should I do if I fail in the examination?
(解答例)The teacher always fails two-fifths of his class.
(解答例)My watch says twelve-nineteen.
(解答例)①I know him very well.
②I am personally acquainted with him.
6、犬は嗅覚(sense of smell)が鋭い。
(解答例)Dogs have an acute sense of smell.
(参考)Onions have a sharp, strong smell and taste.(ツンとする強いにおいと味)
I have a slight headache.
(解答例)We rest from work on Sunday.
8、僕の時計、狂ってしまって(has gone wrong)、時間が合わないんだ。1日に30分も遅れる。
(参考)This watch gains (あるいはloses) more than five minutes a day.
(解答例)My watch has gone wrong. It doesn’t keep time. It loses as much as half an hour (あるいはthirty minutes) a day.
「君の時計、合っている?」はIs your watch correct?
(解答例)Some children are afraid of dogs.
(解答例)I pass in front of a church on my way to school.
(解答例)He boasts too much.
(参考)He talks too big.
12、お返事を差し上げるのが遅れましたことを(my delay in answering your letter)お許し下さい。
(解答例)Excuse my delay in answering your letter (あるいはhaving answered your letter sooner).
(解答例)In Japan fires cause appalling damages every year.
(解答例)①I wish you a happy birthday (many happy returns of the day).
②Happy birthday to you (, George).
(参考)I wish you a merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas (あるいはHappy New Year) to you, George.
(解答例)You will find this book very interesting.
(解答例)That argument does not apply in this case.
(解答例)Always keep your room clean and tidy (あるいはin good order)
(解答例)I’ll walk (あるいはgo) part of the way with you.
(解答例)Thank you for your kind letter.
(解答例)Father never grudges us money.
(解答例)"Isn't this bicycle yours ?" "Yes, it is mine."
(解答例)2、Whose umbrella is this?
(参考)Who does this farm belong to?
(解答例)Is that gentleman an American or an Englishman?
(解答例)"Haven't you any money (with you) at all?" "Yes, I have some."
5、画家(artist)として彼は大したものじゃない、と僕は思います(do not think much of)が、君はどう思う?
(参考)He is not much of an artist.
(解答例)I don't think much of him as an artist, do you?
(参考)Listen, I hear someone coming, can you?
(解答例)①"Don't you sometimes go to a movie?" "Yes, about twice a month."
②"You sometimes go to a movie, don't you?" "Yes, about twice a month."
(解答例)How many hours' sleep do you need?
(解答例)"What time do you generally have breakfast?" "We take breakfast between seven and eight."
(解答例)What day next week can I come (あるいはcall)?
(解答例)Where else did you go?
(参考)Did you go anywhere else?
What else did he say?
Did he say anything else?
(解答例)"Where did you come in the race?" "Last but one."
(解答例)Why do you laugh? What is so funny about it?
(解答例)Do you know how many children he has?
(解説)このknowをsayに変えると、途端にhow manyが先行します。
How many children did he say he had?(子供は何人だと言ってましたっけ。)
14、どういう根拠で(on what ground)それは間違っているとおっしゃるのですか。
(解答例)On what ground(s) do you say that is wrong?
(解答例)How much do you think it will cost?
(参考)How long do you think it will take him to get back?
(解答例)Who do you think this letter is from?
Who do you think this letter is for?(この手紙は誰宛てだと思いますか。)
Who do you think he is like?
(解答例)What are you so glad about?
(参考)What did you quarrel about?
What was your dream about?
(解答例)What did you do that for?
(参考)Why did you do that?
What do you want all this money for?
(解答例)What a glorious sunset!
(解答例)What an early riser you are!
The early bird catches the worm.
(解答例)①How lovely this flower is!
②What a lovely flower this is!
(解答例)How fast that motor-car runs!
(解答例)"What a fine (あるいはlovely) day (it is)!" "Glorious, isn't it?"
(解答例)①How happy I was to find my name in the list of successful candidates!
②What was my joy when I found my name in the list of successful candidates!
(解答例)How often have I sat here under this tree, thinking of my future!
(解説)did I sitとしても良いでしょう。
(解答例)Please call me (あるいはwake me up) at six tomorrow morning.
(解答例)Please hurry up. We’re already ten minutes late.
(解説)We’re ten minutes late as it is.とも言います。
(解答例)Do be careful not to catch cold.
(解答例)Please don’t be angry with me.
(解答例)Please remember me kindly (あるいはgive my love) to all your people (あるいはeverybody at home).
6、困った時は(when you are in trouble)必ず(Be sure to~)僕の所へ来たまえ。(専修大学)
(解答例)Be sure to come to me when you are in trouble.
(解答例)Write your answer(s) in (あるいはwith a) pencil.
(解説)「ペンで書く」はwrite with pen and ink (あるいはwith a pen)。
(解答例)”Please come and see me when you are free.” ”Thanks you (very much), I’ll (come and see you) one of these days.”
(解答例)Don’t be in such a hurry. We have (Tあるいはhere is) plenty of time.
(解答例)①Don’t let one failure discourage you.
②Don’t let yourself be discouraged by a single failure.
(解答例)”Let me give you a word of advice.” ”Well, what is it?”
12、この木陰(here in the shade)に腰を下ろして涼みましょう、どう。
(解答例)Let’s sit here in the shade and get cool, shall we?
(解答例)Let me introduce my friend Sato to you.
(解説)”Mary, this is my friend Sato.”のようにも言います。
(解答例)Please send someone for the doctor.
(解答例)Take this medicine and lie down for a while.
(解答例)Follow this tramline until you come to (あるいはas far as) the next stop, and then turn to the right, and you will see (あるいはfind) a large brick building on your left. That is the station.
(解答例)Don’t eat too much, or you will make yourself ill.
18、時折(from time to time, once in a while)窓を開けて、少し新鮮な(fresh)空気を入れなさい。さもないと頭が痛くなります。
(解答例)Open the window once in a while and let some fresh air in, or you’ll get headache.
僕の言うことをよく(attentively)聞きたまえ。そうすれば、僕の真意が分からないはずがない(will not fail to~)(東京大学)
(解答例)Listen to me attentively, and you won’t fail to get my meaning.
(解答例)I am always at home on Sundays.
(解答例)How is your cold?
(解説)「すっかり直りました」なら、I've quite lost (あるいはgot over) my cold.となります。
3、彼女は年の割には(for her age)とても若く見えます。
(解答例)She looks quite young for her age.
(解答例)From the top of this building we have a wonderful view of the harbor.
(解答例)I often feel lonesome, even when I am with people.
(解答例)He is an old friend of mine.
(参考)We are old friends.
(解答例)①Money is (あるいはmeans) everything to him.
②With him money is all that counts.
(解答例)My watch is five minutes slow.
(解説)「進んで(いる)」なら(be) fast。
(解答例)The earth goes round (あるいはtravels, revolves around) the sun once a year.
(解答例)"I feel very sleepy today." "What's the matter? Didn't you get enough sleep last night?"
(解答例)How long ago did you have lunch?
12、自分のことは心にかけ(mind about)ず、いつも人のことを考えていた男でした。
(解答例)He did not mind about himself but he always thought (あるいはwas always thinking) of other people.
13、真夜中に気温は零下10度までも(as low as 10 degrees below zero)下がった。
(解答例)At midnight the temperature dropped as low as 10 degrees below zero.
(解答例)I’ll go (あるいはreturn) home as soon as the summer vacation starts (あるいはbegins).
(解説)「夏休みになったらすぐ」はimmediately after school breaks up for the summer holiday(s)でも良いです。また、「時」を表わす副詞節中では、「現在(完了)」形で「未来(完了)」の意味を表わすことに注意しましょう。
The rain will stop when the wind changes.(風向きが変わると雨はすぐに止むでしょう。)
15、「頭が割れそうに痛いんだ(I have a splitting headache)。」「アスピリンを1錠(an aspirin)差し上げましょうか。」
(解答例)”I’ve got a splitting headache.” ”Shall I give you an aspirin?”
(解答例)”Shall we go back by train or by bus?” ”As you like. I don’t care which.”
(参考)Shall we succeed, do you think?
(解答例)Won’t you have another cup of tea? And please help yourself to the sandwiches and cake.
(解答例)You shall have (あるいはI will give you) a definite answer in a day or two.
19、ひとつやっていただきたいことがある(a favor)のですが。
(解答例)Will (あるいはWould) you do me a favor?
(解答例)Won’t you (あるいはWould you like to) come out into the garden for a while (あるいはa few minutes)? There’s a moon tonight.
21、「私、一体どうしましょう。」「僕に聞いたって何になる(what is the use <あるいはgood> of ~ing)。決心は自分でつける他ない(must)。」
(解答例)”What on earth shall I do?” ”What’s the use of asking me? You must make up your own mind.”
(解説)You must make up your own mind.はMake up your mind by yourself (= without asking for other people’s opinions).の意。
You had better follow your own advice.(人の意見に迷ったりしないで)
22、あの子はろくでなし(good for nothing)だと思っていらっしゃる?まあ、見てごらんなさい。いつか何かやりますから。
(解答例)You think our boy is good for nothing? You wait and see. He’ll do something some day.
(解答例)Will you lend me your bicycle for an hour?
(解答例)”Will the patient recover?” ”I am afraid not.”
25、「駅へ行く道を教えて下さいませんか。土地不案内なものでして(be a stranger)。」
(解答例)”Will (あるいはWould) you kindly show (あるいはtell) me the way to the station? I am quite a stranger here.”
“Yes, certainly (あるいはWith pleasure). I’ll take you there, as I am going your way (あるいはin that direction) myself.”
“Thank you very much (あるいはIt’s awfully kind of you).”
“That’s all right. (あるいはDon’t mention it./ That’s no trouble at all./Oh, you’re quite welcome./ もっと丁寧にはNot at all, it’s my pleasure.)”
(解答例)”Is your brother in (あるいはat home)? “Yes, he has just come home from school. Please step in (あるいはcome (on) in).
(解答例)My (big) brother has just gone to the station to meet his friend.
(解答例)I haven’t seen him for―let me see―five or seven years, at least.
4、1年の間に(in the course of a year)事情(things)はだいぶ変わりました。
(解答例)Things have changed greatly in the course of a year.
(解答例)”How long (あるいはSince when) have you known him?” “I have known him since he was (あるいはfrom) a child.”
(参考)I have known him for years.(彼とは数年来の知り合いです。)
6、お母さんが亡くなってから、もうどのぐらいに(how long)なりますか。
(解答例)①How long has your mother been dead?
②How long is it since your mother died?
(参考)How long have you been back?
(解答例)I bought this car second-hand from a friend of mine. I’ve had it almost (あるいはclose on) two years. It has given me very little trouble.
(解答例)①I haven’t been there for five years.
②It is five years since I was there last.
(解答例)I have heard nothing (あるいはhad no word) from him for a long time. I wonder what has become of him.
(解答例)I have lived (あるいはbeen <living>) in Tokyo these (あるいはfor the last) twenty years.
11、新潟のことは何も知りません。上田以北(farther north)には行ったことがないのです。
(解答例)I know nothing of Niigata. I have never been farther north than Ueda.
(解答例)I am quite healthy (あるいはenjoy robust health); indeed I have never been laid up with an illness in (all) my life.
(解答例)I have never met such an arrogant person before.
14、そんな馬鹿な(such nonsense)、僕は生まれてからまだ聞いたことがないよ。
(解答例)I’ve never heard such nonsense in my life.
15、1人で(by myself)うちを離れた(be away from home)のは今度が初めてです。
(解答例)This is the first time (that) I’ve ever been away from home by myself.
(参考)”What does he do for a living?”(彼の職業は?)
“That’s the second time you’ve asked me that.”(それで2度目だよ。)
(解答例)The road was muddy as it had rained heavily the day before.
(解答例)①When I got to the station, I found the last train had already left (あるいはgone).
②On getting to the station, I found the last train gone.
18、入社後(after he entered the firm)、ほんの数ヶ月で昇進の機会(a chance for promotion)が訪れた。
(解答例)Only a few months had passed after I entered the firm before a chance for promotion presented itself.
19、私のことなんか、1週間も経てば(in a week)忘れておしまいになるでしょう。
(解答例)You’ll have forgotten me in a week.
20、一休みして(have a rest)からの方が仕事の能率が上がりますよ(work better)。
(解答例)①You’ll work better after you have had a rest.
②Rest a while, and you’ll work (all the) better.
(解説)①でwill have hadとはしません。
21、あなたが顔を洗って着物を着替えるまでには(by the time~)、朝食の支度はできているでしょう。
(解答例)Breakfast will be ready by the time you have washed yourself (あるいはyour face) and changed your clothes (あるいはdressed yourself, got dressed).
(解答例)Is that today’s paper you are reading? Won’t you let me read (あるいはhave a look at) it when you have done with it (あるいはare through)?
(解答例)I shall go out for a walk when I have finished my letter.
(解答例)Who else is coming besides the Fowlers?
(解答例)Who are you waiting for?
(参考)Who are you going to write to?
(解答例)①How are you getting on (あるいはalong).
②How are things going with you?
③(少しおどけて)How is the world using you?
(解答例)You’re still worrying about that, aren’t you?
5、私どもは当地で愉快にやって(have a good time)おります。
(解答例)We are having a good (あるいはfine, wonderful, grand) time here.
(解答例)Where shall I be and what shall I be doing two years hence?
(解答例)Where are you going for your holidays this summer?
(解答例)”Are you going home (あるいはback) as soon as you have finished your business here?”
“No, I am thinking of staying on for another three weeks.”
9、私が今まで君から受けたような仕打ち(the kind of treatment I have received at your hand)に、これからも我慢するだろうと考えたら大間違いだ。そのつもりはない。
(解答例)If you think I am going to put up with the kind of treatment I have received at your hand, you are greatly mistaken. I’m not.
(解説)もちろん、going to put up with itが了解されています。
(解答例)Where are going (off to)?
(解答例)Go and see what he is doing?
(解答例)I was reading a newspaper, when (my) father called me.
(解答例)When (my) father came in, I was walking about (あるいはpacing up and down) the room trying to work out a problem in mathematics.
(解答例)The sky had cleared and the snow (lying) on the road was glittering in the morning sun.
(解答例)Have you been waiting long?
16、勉強し過ぎが続くと、とかくイライラしてくる(become nervous)ものだ。
(参考)I’m afraid you have been overworking lately.
(解答例)①A person who has been overworking (himselfは省略) is likely to become nervous.
②If you have been overworking, you are apt to become nervous.
(解答例)I haven’t been sleeping well lately.
(解答例)”What have you been doing (with yourself) all day? ”
”I have been reading and writing.”
19、水を1杯くれないか。息が切れ(be out of breath)た。走ってきたんだよ。
(解答例)Give me a glass of water, will you? I’m out of breath. I’ve been (あるいはcome) running.
(解答例)It has been raining steadily for a week.
(解答例)What language is spoken (あるいはdo they speak) in Canada?
(解答例)The book is written in simple English, and is full of interesting stories and beautiful pictures.
(解答例)Just as English is taught besides Japanese in our junior high schools, French and Italian are taught in American schools.
(解答例)①Most Japanese houses are built of wood, so in case of fire they burn easily.
②Most Japanese houses, which are built of wood, are quick to catch fire.
(解答例)He is trusted by everybody as he always keeps his word (あるいはpromise).
(解答例)The human body is often compared to the stove.
(解説)be compared with~なら「~と比較される」の意です。stoveにtheをつけるのはThe cat(ネコってやつは) loves comfort.の場合と同じです(総称表現)。
7、「おっそろしくガサツな奴なんだ。」「気にかけるなよ(don’t take any notice of)。生まれつきなんだから。」
(解答例)”He’s (so) terribly rude.” “Don’t take any notice of him. He was born rude (あるいはthat way).”
(参考)He was born a cripple.
(解答例)①Each speaker was allowed five minutes.
②Five minutes were allowed each speaker.
(解答例)When she was only three, both her parents had been killed in a railway accident, and she was brought up by her grandmother.
(解答例)Last year the entrance examination of our school was given at the end of March (あるいはlate in March),but this year it is to (あるいはwill) be held at the beginning of April.
(解答例)The city is about sixty miles from my town and can be reached in three hours by express (train).
(解答例)He may safely be called the best pianist in today’s Japan.
(解答例)①Need anything more be said?
②Need we say anything more?
(参考)There is no more to be said, is there?
(解答例)I look just like my brother, and I have sometimes been mistaken for him.
(参考)People often mistake me for him.
(解答例)I have been advised by my doctor to take more exercise.
(解答例)The fire had been put out when the fire-engines arrived on the scene (あるいはspot).
万年筆を例に取ってみよ。ペンとインキは文明のほとんど初めから使われて(be employed)いた。しかし、発明者がこの2つを結びつけることを思いついた(hit on the idea of~ing)のは、幾百年も経ってからであった。
(解答例)Take, for instance, the fountain-pen. Pen and ink have been employed (あるいはin use) almost from the beginning of civilization, but hundreds of years had had to pass before an inventor (あるいはa clever person) hit on the idea of combining the two.
(解答例)May I come and see you at your home some time (あるいはday)?
(解答例)I may be able to finish it by tomorrow week.
(参考)this day week (先週の今日、来週の今日).
(解答例)You may go out, but you must come home before (it gets) dark.
(解答例)We may have rain (あるいはIt may rain) this afternoon, (so I think) you had better take an umbrella with you.
5、君がそう質問するのも無理はない(~may well)。
(解答例)You may well ask that.
(解答例)Tomorrow is Sunday. You can sleep late.
(参考)Do you sleep late in the mornings?
7、犬は飼い主の心(thoughts)を読み、変わり動く気分(varying moods)を理解する能力を持っている。
(解答例)The dog can read his master’s thoughts and can understand his varying moods.
(参考)Our moods keep varying from moment to moment.
(解答例)How on earth can I do (あるいはyou expect me to do) such a thing?
(解答例)We cannot treasure our friends too much.
(解答例)①At first I could not understand him.
②I could not make out his meaning.
③I could make neither head nor tail of what he said.
(解答例)When shall I be able to write idiomatic English?
(解答例)Where can I have met that man?
(解答例)”Ishii has not come (あるいはturned up) yet. He may have forgotten about today’s meeting, I am afraid.”
“Oh, no, he cannot have forgotten (about it). When I met (あるいはsaw) him thins morning, he told me he would come without fail.”
(解答例)You must be more careful in future.
(参考)We all have to put up with some unpleasantness in conducting the business of day-to -day living.
(解答例)There are all kinds of people in the world. And you have to get on (あるいはlive) with them all.
(解説)mustはpresent obligation (現在の義務・必要性)を表わすのに対して、habitual obligation (習慣的義務・必要性)をhave toで表わすことがあります。
I must be going now. It’s getting late.
I have to go to work every morning at eight.
I had to do what I did. There was no other way.(ああしたのはそうせざるを得なかったからだ。他に方法が無かった。)
(解答例)You haven’t to go to school today, have you? It’s Sunday.
(参考)How much of the way did you have to stand up?
17、彼は現在の地位を獲得するのに(to attain his present position)、一歩一歩戦い(fight every inch of his way)取らねばならなかったのである。
(解答例)He has had to fight every inch of his way to attain his present position (あるいはto get where he is).
(解答例)During the four years of college (あるいはuniversity) life, we must develop reading, writing, and speaking ability in (あるいはacquire a reading, writing, and speaking knowledge of) at least two foreign languages.
19、私は6、7時間も眠ったのでしょう。目を覚ますと、太陽は西に傾いて(slanting towards the west)いましたから。
(解答例)I must have slept for six or seven hours, for the sun, when I awoke, was slanting towards the west (あるいはwestering).
(解答例)I’m afraid you must have thought me (a) very rude (fellow).
21、我々は高い理想(a lofty ideal)を持つべきであるが、それを短時日に達成しようとあせって(be impatient to~)はならない。(東京農工大学)
(解答例)We ought to have a lofty ideal, but we should not be impatient to realize it quickly.
(ヒント)「常識(common sense)」を主語にします。
(解答例)(Your) Common sense ought to have told that.
(解答例)I am surprised that he should have failed (あるいはat his failure) in the examination; he ought to have succeeded.
(参考)I’m surprised at you. How could you have done such a thing? (あるいはI’m surprised that you should have done such a thing.)
「結論に飛びつく前(jump to conclusions)に、私の言葉を最後まで聞いて(hear me out)下さってもいいでしょうに。」
(解答例)”That conduct of yours was inexcusable.”
“Before jumping to conclusions, you might at least hear me out (あるいはto the end).”
25、私は大人になり(to be grown up)たくない。今のまんま(just as I am)でいた方がいいな。
(解答例)I don’t want to be grown up. I would rather be (あるいはstay) just as I am.
(解答例)You need not be in such a hurry. The clock is more than twenty minutes fast.
(解答例)How dare you call me a coward!
(参考)Feeling ashamed, I did not dare to look my mother in the face.(恥ずかしくて母の顔がまともに見れませんでした。)
(解答例)This door will only open inwards.
29、最初は嫌だと言ったのですが、彼はどうしても嫌という返事では承知し(take no for an answer)なかったのです。
(解答例)I said no at first, but he would not take no for an answer.
30、一日中(for a whole day)、一言も言わないことも、彼にはよくありました。
(解答例)Often for a whole day he would not say one word.
31、お気持ちが悪い(do not feel well)のなら、すぐ医者に見てもらった方がよいでしょう。(大阪大学)
(解答例)If you don’t feel well, you had better see a doctor at once.
(解答例)Reading English newspapers is also a (あるいはanother) good way of improving your knowledge of English.
(解答例)I hate writing letters.
(参考)Do you like learning mathematics?
(解答例)I have seldom heard of two families living happily under one roof.
(解説)heard ofをcome acrossに直すと、livingが途端に分詞の働きに変わります。
(解答例)I am fond of traveling alone and never get tired of a long train journey.
5、お目にかかるのを前々から楽しみにして(look forward to)おりました。
(解答例)I have been looking forward to (the pleasure of) seeing you.
(解答例)Would you mind speaking a little more slowly?
(解答例)They say the museum is well worth seeing.
8、まあ、そうあわて(be in too much of a hurry)なさんな。話が終わったわけじゃない。しまいまで聞いてくれたまえ。
(解答例)Don’t be in too much of a hurry. I haven’t finished talking yet. Please hear me out (あるいはto the end).
(解答例)I don’t remember ever having been ill (あるいはhad a sick day) in my life.
10、履行できるかどうかを反省してみないで、人と約束をする(make a promise)のは無責任である(irresponsible)。(東京大学)
(解答例)You are (an) irresponsible (person) if you make a promise without first asking yourself whether you can (あるいはcould) keep it or not.
(解答例)You can never hurt another without hurting yourself.
12、良書を読めば、必ずそれだけ良い影響を受け(be the better for it)、また、悪書を読めば、必ずそれだけ悪い影響を受ける。我々は本の選択にはいくら注意してもし過ぎることは無い。(埼玉大学)
(解答例)We cannot read a good book without being the better for it, nor (can we read) a bad one without being the worse for it. We cannot be too careful in choosing what (あるいはour) books to read.
(解答例)I came very near being (あるいはwas nearly) drowned.
(参考)what is done can’t be undone
(解答例)”I’m awfully sorry.” “It’s too late for apologies. It’s no good apologizing now. (あるいはWhat good would it do now?) You’re done it (あるいはThe harm’s done), and there’s no undoing it.”
15、よくカンシャクを起こす(lose one’s temper)男ですが、僕はどうしても彼が好きなのです。
(解答例)He often loses his temper, but I cannot help liking him.
(解答例)What do you say to coming down to us for (あるいはto spend) a weekend?
(解説)このdownは「首都を離れて(from the capital)」の意味です。
(参考)Mother suggested my asking (あるいはthat I should ask) him to spend the rest of the holiday with us.
17、金持ちどころか、借金で首が回らない(be over head and ears in debt)状態ですよ。
(解答例)Far from being rich, I am over head and ears in debt.
18、どんなことになるか(what may happen)、分かったもんじゃない。
(解答例)①There is no knowing (あるいはIt is impossible to know, Nobody knows, God knows, You never can tell) what may (あるいはmight) happen.
②Anything may (あるいはmight) happen.
19、頭が割れるように痛く(have a splitting headache)、何も食べたり飲みたくなかった。
(解答例)I had a splitting headache and didn’t feel like eating or drinking anything.
(解説)My head ached fit to burst.などとも言います。
(解答例)All these misfortunes were of my own making. I had no one but (あるいはonly) myself to blame.
1、迫ってくる試験のこと(the thought of)が私の心にのしかかって(hung over me)、気持ちが悪かった。心配で夜、よく眠れなかった。
(解答例)The thought of the approaching examination hung over me uncomfortably. I could not sleep well at night, being worried (あるいはworrying) about it.
(解答例)Look! How beautiful that distant snow-covered mountain is!
(解答例)Will you (あるいはMight I trouble you to) have this letter registered?
(解答例)It was not until I got home that I found I had had my purse stolen.
(解答例)Where did you have your watch mended?
(参考)A week ago I had a hundred dollars saved, but spent it all on drink. I am now without a cent.(「100万ドル貯めていた」状態)
(解答例)I have never had this watch mended since I bought it five years ago.
7、ああいった人間だから、過ぎたことは過ぎたことに(let bygones be bygones)できないのです。
(ヒント)Do you know the sort (あるいはwhat sort) of man he is?
(解答例)Being the sort of man (あるいはperson) he is, he cannot let bygones be bygones.
(解説)let bygones be bygonesはforget and forgiveの意です。
(解答例)You are throwing away money buying those weeklies.
(解答例)He listened to us talking, smiling, not saying a word.
10、2週間後、捜索隊(a search party)はテントの下に、互いに暖め合おうとしているような感じ(as if <as though>)で体を寄せ合っている、彼等の死体を発見した。
(解答例)Two weeks (あるいはA fortnight) later a search party found their bodies huddled together under their tent as though trying to keep each other warm.
(解答例)I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long.
(解答例)The train was crowded with holiday-makers and we were kept standing all the day.
(解答例)Sometimes I go fishing in a river close by.
(参考)Where do you go fishing?
(解答例)Don’t let’s waste any more time arguing.
(解答例)I was nearly drowned trying to rescue the (little) boy.
16、仮に酔っていたとしても(granting that・・・)、それは君の行為の言い訳にはなりません。
(解答例)Granting that you were drunk, that is no excuse for your conduct (あるいはthe way you behaved).
(解答例)Properly speaking, you ought to apologize to him, not he to you.
18、学生があまり騒いで(make so much noise that…)いたので、先生は声を通らせることができなかった。
(解答例)The students were making so much noise (あるいはdin) that the teacher could not make himself heard.
19、誰かが私をじっと見ている(staring at)のを感じて、私は振り返った。
(解答例)①Feeling somebody staring at me, I turned around.
②I turned around, feeling somebody staring at me (あるいはsomebody’s eyes on my back).
20、彼等は顔を怒りにゆがめて(contorted with anger)、互いににらみ(glare)合って立っていた。
(解答例)They stood glaring at each other, their faces contorted with anger.
(解答例)The last train for Akita having left and there being no taxis available, I had to walk the (distance of) three miles to the city.
22、呼吸する際の肺の活動(motion)は自動的である。肺が1分間に約18回の割合で新しい空気を取り入れ、使用済みの空気を外に出しながら、その運動は自律的に(by itself)続けられる(goes on)のである。
(解答例)The motion of our lungs as we breathe is automatic. It goes on by itself, the lungs taking fresh air in and letting used air out about eighteen times a minutes.
(解答例)To live long is the desire of all men (あるいはEvery man desires to live long), but no man would be old.
(解答例)The best way of learning (あるいはto learn) a foreign language is to go and living among the people who speak it.
(解答例)The best thing you can do when you have caught cold is to get into bed at once and stay there keeping yourself warm.
(解答例)One of the most important aims of education is to teach us to think for ourselves.
(参考)You must learn to think for yourself.
(解答例)Our primary object in learning a foreign language is to have (あるいはgain) an accurate (あるいはa right) understanding of the thoughts and feelings of native speakers.
(解答例)①I do not happen to have any money with me.
②I have no money with me, as it happens.
(参考)How did it happen that a man like him became a Communist?
(解答例)I don’t want to be rich or famous (あるいはeither fame or fortune). I only want to do something worth-while.
8、どういうわけか(for some reason or other)、彼女は自分の家のことを話したがらない風なんです。
(解答例)She doesn’t seem to be (over)anxious to talk about her family, for some reason or other.
(参考)I took him for a clergyman.
(解答例)He seems to have mistaken me for my (younger) brother
(解答例)He did not seem to have changed much.
(解答例)I am very sorry to have given you so much trouble.
(参考)I’m sorry to be giving you so much trouble.
(解説)sorry for~ingとも言います。
Aren’t you sorry for having been so mischievous, Edith?
(参考)How little imagination you have!(君って想像力が無いんだなあ。)
(解答例)①How few of us have the courage to give our opinion freely (あるいはwithout reserve)!
②How few of us have the courage of our opinions (あるいはconvictions)!
13、いつも健康で長患い(a long spell of illness)など1度も経験せず、高齢に達する(live to an old age)幸運な人もいる。
(解答例)Some people are fortunate enough to have (あるいはenjoy) good health always and live to an old age without ever having a long spell of illness.
(解説)an old ageはa ripe old ageとも言います。
14、嫌ですと言うだけの気力(strength of mind)が私には無かった。断れば恩知らず(ungrateful)と思われるのを恐れたのです。
(解答例)I had not enough strength of mind (あるいはcould not find the power in me) to say no. I was afraid to seem (あるいはbe thought) ungrateful if I refused.
(解答例)”I am apt to stammer when I try to speak fast.” ”So am I.”
(参考)I consented, and so did he.
(解答例)How many times have I told you not to do that?(あるいは!) You are hopeless.
(解答例)”May (あるいはMight) I trouble you to post this letter for me?” ”Yes, certainly.”
(解説)What a forgetful creature I am! I’ve forgotten to post your letter.
(解答例)I want you to get this work done by the end of this month without fail.
(解答例)I don’t like to have others think for me.
20、一等で旅行する(travel first class)なんて、私の財布が許しません。
(解答例)I cannot afford to travel first-class.
(解答例)I intended to have returned this book to you yesterday, but I forgot.
(解答例)He knows what to do, when to do, and how.
(参考)①I don’t know what to think now.
②I don’t know whether to believe him or not.
(解答例)After all, you have only yourself to depend on.
(解答例)We have only one life to live (あるいはlive only once).
(解答例)You have (あるいはThere’s) nothing to worry about.
(参考)The fire was put out quickly and there was no need to ask the fire department for help.
(解答例)You haven’t anything particular to do this evening, have you?
(解答例)There being nothing else to do, I read the newspaper over and over again.
(解答例)The Japanese wooden house is very comfortable to live in (あるいはas a dwelling), but the trouble with it is that it is liable to catch fire and burn.
9、そんないい環境で(in such nice environment)勉強できるなんて、(自分は)幸せだとお感じになりませんか。
(解答例)Don’t you feel yourself lucky to be able to study in such nice environment?
(参考)Don’t you think yourself fortunate to have obtained such an excellent position?
10、それだけの仕事を、土曜までにどうして終えた(get through)らいいんだ。誰にだって無理だ。
(解答例)How am I to get through all this work by Saturday? Nobody can.
(解答例)I was just about to go home, when it began to rain in torrents.
(解答例)What did you say to him, to make him so angry?
13、ずっと歩いて来られたとは、なかなか健脚でいらっしゃいます(be a good walker)ね。
(解答例)You must be a (pretty) good walker to have walked all the way.
(参考)He must be (あるいはhave been) very angry with you to talk like that.
What a nice man he must be (あるいはhave been) to know.(このknowはget acquainted withの意味です)
14、書籍部(the book department)を通って行く途中、何年も会わなかった旧友に出くわしてびっくりしました。
(解答例)14、As I was (あるいはWhile) going through the book department, I was surprised to meet (あるいはcome across) an old friend of mine, whom I hadn’t seen for years.
(解説)I met, to my surprise, an old…と比べて下さい。
(解答例)It was far too cold for me to sleep (あるいはget to sleep).
(解答例)To tell you the truth, I have been so busy with other things (あるいはone thing and another) that I forgot all about it.
17、彼を知っている人なら誰でも、付き合い(get along with)づらい男だと言いますよ。
(解答例)Anyone who knows him well will tell you he is a difficult man to get along with.
(参考)He is a hard man to please.(気難し屋)
(解答例)It being rush hour, the bus was awfully crowded (あるいはcrammed) and there was no vacant seat to be found.
(解答例)Such men are to be pitied rather than hated.
(解答例)My common sense told me that this woman was not to be trusted, and yet I could not help myself being drawn to her.
(参考)Is that all you have to tell me?→Have you nothing more to tell me?
(解答例)You had better see him after all, just to hear what excuse he has to make.
(解答例)It is easy to make plans, but difficult to carry them out.
2、健全な精神がきわめて不健全な肉体(a most unhealthy body)に宿ることもあり得る。
(解答例)①It is possible for a healthy mind to exist (あるいはlodge) in a most unhealthy body.
②A healthy mind can exist in a most unhealthy body.
3、ほんの葉書1枚でも(so much as)書かねばならないとなると、僕には苦痛(torture)なんです。
(解答例)It is torture to me (あるいはI find it torture) to have to write so much as a post-card.
(解答例)①It is (far <あるいはmuch>) better to study a few good books carefully than to read many at random.
②You had (much) better read a few books carefully than read many at random.
③The careful reading of a few good books is (far) better than the desultory reading of many.
(参考)It is much better to do a little work really well than to do a lot badly (あるいはindifferently).
(解答例)It is important to learn early to depend upon yourself.
6、どうしてもそうしなくては気が済まぬ(must do it)と感じておられるなら、これ以上、言うことは無い。止めなさいと説得する(dissuade)だけ愚か(stupid)でしょう。
(解答例)If you feel you must do it, there’s no more to be said. It would be stupid to try to dissuade you.
(参考)It is no good (あるいはuse) trying to persuade him.
There is no use (in) trying to persuade him.
(解答例)①It was very stupid of me to overlook (あるいはto have overlooked) such an obvious mistake.
②How very stupid of me to overlook (あるいはto have overlooked) such an obvious mistake!
8、この頃のような時世では(in these times)、子供達に残してやる金を貯めるためにせっせと働いても、まあ無駄だね。
(解答例)In these times it is little use to work hard in order to save money to leave to one’s children.
(解答例)I make it a rule to be in bed by half past eleven.
(解答例)I think it (is) absolutely necessary for you to consult a doctor as soon as (あるいはwith as little delay as) possible.
11、その家を買うことについてふんぎりをつける(make up one’s mind)のはなかなかでした。
(解答例)I found it hard to make up my mind about buying the horse.
12、言い開きに(in defense of myself)何とか言いたかったのですが、その場では何も言わぬ方がよいと判断したのです。
(解答例)I wanted to say something in defense of (あるいはfor) myself, but I judged it better not to say anything just then.
(解答例)It sometimes takes a great deal of courage to tell the truth.
(参考)It takes many years to wipe out the unpleasant memories of a war.
Many years must pass before the unpleasant memories of a war are wiped out (あるいはeffaced).
(解答例)To obtain good crops, it is important that the soil should have a proper amount of water, air, and manure.
(解答例)It is no wonder that Mr. Sato should be a good speaker of English, seeing that he has been to America several times.
(解説)この場合、seeing that~などと堅いことを言わないで、He has been to America several times, you know.としてもよいでしょう。
16、一見、何でもない(apparently unimportant)出来事が私達の一生の方向をすっかり変えて行く具合、全く思えば不思議です(it does seem strange)。
(解答例)It does seem strange how apparently unimportant events should change the whole course of our lives.
(参考)How strange (it is thatはこの場合、省略可能) he should have said nothing about it!
(解答例)①It is a thousand pities that he should have died on the eve of success.
②What a pity it is that he should have died on the eve of success!
18、貧乏な家に生まれたことが不幸のようで、実は幸福(a blessing in disguise)ということがよくある。
(解答例)It often proves (to be) a blessing in disguise to be born into a poor family.
(解答例)”Is it certain that he will come today?” ”It is doubtful whether he is coming.”
(解答例)It has often been said that a man is never so lonely as when (he is) in a crowd.
(解説)solitude in multitudeなどと言います。
(解答例)It seems that I (have) (あるいはI seem to have) caught cold from him.
4、私が誤っていたことが判明しました(turn out)。
(解答例)It turned out that I was wrong.
(解答例)What dictionary is it (that) you want to buy?
6、泣かないようにしている(to keep from weeping)のが精一杯(all I could do)でした。
(解答例)It was all I could do to keep from weeping.
(参考)”Well, all I can say is (あるいはI can only say) that I did my best.”
(解答例)It was freezing(ly) cold outside, with a piercing wind blowing from the north.
(解答例)I think it is going to be (あるいはwe are going to have) another hot day tomorrow.
(解答例)It has been unusually warm this winter.
(解答例)It will blow very hard (あるいはbe very windy) tonight, I am afraid.
(解答例)It has been (あるいはis) getting warmer day by day. It will not be long before the cherry-trees put forth their blossoms.
(解答例)When I got up this morning, it was so cloudy that I thought it would surely rain, but it has turned out (to be) fine after all.
(解答例)Listen, it is striking eleven. It is time (for us) to go to bed.
(解説)It is time we went to (あるいはwere in) bed.と言ってもよいです。
(参考)“John, don’t you think it is about time we started?”(もうそろそろ)
“Things will soon take a turn for a better.”
“It is about time they did.”
“It is high time that something (should) be done about it.”
(解答例)It is too late to regret.
(参考)Even now it is not too late.(今からでも遅くはない。)
(解答例)”What day of the week is it (today)?” “It is Wednesday.”
(参考)”What day of the month is it? (あるいはWhat’s the date today?)” ”It is April 1.”(「今日は何日ですか?」「4月1日です。」)
(解答例)The sun is (gone) down (あるいはhas set). It is quite chilly. We had better get back. It must be nearly supper time.
(解答例)It isn’t nearly noon yet. Are you hungry already?
(解答例)When December is a few days old, children begin to count how many days it is until Christmas.
英作文演習~予備編⑮「There is構文」
1、彼にはどことなく上品な所(something noble)がある。
(解答例)There is something noble about him.
(解答例)There is not much whisky left in this bottle.
(解答例)There are a lot (あるいはa number) of wonderful places just a few hours from London, by train.
(解答例)When there is no breeze from the sea, the heat is so intense that we cannot stay indoors.
(解答例)There is no post office near hear, but you will find one in front of the station.
(解答例)①There are three bridges across the river.
②The river is crossed by (あるいはspanned with) three bridges.
(解答例)Is there any house to let in this neighborhood?
(解答例)As there was (あるいはThere being) no moon that night, it was pitch-dark in the woods.
(解答例)There is no way of curing this disease.
(解答例)He insisted on going. There was no stopping him.
(解答例)I knocked. There was no answer.
12、君に残された道はただ一つしかない。彼に全てを告白し、許しを乞う(ask his forgiveness)ことだ。
(解答例)There is only one thing left for you to do, to confess everything to him and ask his forgiveness.
(参考)There was nowhere else for me to go.
(解答例)Don’t be so pessimistic. There isn’t going to be any war.
(解答例)There are about 1,500 students attending this school.
(解答例)There are four hundred million people who speak English as the(ir) mother tongue.
(解答例)What is there to be ashamed of in confessing your errors?(反語)
(参考)There is nothing to be ashamed of in confessing your errors.
(解答例)How many applicants do you suppose there will be next year?
(解答例)Do you think (that) money brings happiness?
(解答例)He has promised to do it, but that does not mean that he will do it.
(参考)Promise me that you will say nothing of this to anybody else.(このことは他の誰にも言わないと約束しなさい。)
3、この前(the last time)、君にはもう決して金は貸さないと言ったじゃないか。君は僕にまだ2万円も借りがある(owe)のを忘れるなよ。
(解答例)I told you the last time (that) I would never lend you money again, didn’t I? Don’t forget (that) you still owe me (as much as) twenty thousand yen.
(解答例)①I do hope (that) you will succeed.
②I wish you success from the bottom of my heart.
(解答例)I (do) hope it will keep fine for a few days more.
6、オートメ―ションが第2の産業革命を招来した(bring about)と言っても、おそらく過言ではあるまい。
(解答例)It would not be too much to say that automation brought about “a second industrial revolution.”
(解答例)”Mother says she isn’t feeling well.” “Does she? What (do you think) is wrong with her? (あるいはWhat’s the matter with her?)”
(参考)What is she suffering from?
(解答例)I don’t think anyone can do such a difficult work alone.
(解答例)Do you think it will clear up soon.
10、彼がどうなったか(what became of him)は全くの謎(a complete mystery)なのです。
(解答例)What become of him is a complete mystery.
(解答例)①How old do you think he is?
②How old do you take him to be?
(参考)Can you guess how old he is (あるいはhis age)?
What do you think I ought to (あるいはshould) do about it?
12、我が国の人口は毎年どのくらいの率(at what rate)増加するか、ご存知ですか。
(解答例)Do you know at what rate our population increases every year?
(解答例)He did not tell me where he was going or when he would be back.
(解答例)I forgot to say that I have a couple engagements for next Saturday.
(解答例)I very much doubt whether he will say yes (あるいはconsent), but anyhow I will ask him.
(解答例)The rich do not know (あるいはhave no idea) what it is to be poor.
(参考)He does not know what it is to be afraid (あるいはthe meaning of fear).
(解答例)①I have sent a telegram saying that I shall arrive at ten tomorrow night.
②I sent a telegram saying that I should (あるいはwould) arrive tomorrow evening at ten.
(参考)I had a letter from my mother today in which she says she is coming up to Tokyo tomorrow fortnight.(再来週の明日)
18、金が少ししかなかろうがたくさんあろうが、そんなことは問題ではない(does not matter)。大切なのは(what counts)現に持っている金(the money you do have)をどう使うかである。
(解答例)Whether you have a little money or a lot does not matter. What counts is how you see the money you do have.
Whether or not we agree with all he says, the reasonableness of his arguments must be admitted.
(解答例)When (あるいはI was) a child, I used to believe that the earth was larger than any other heavenly body (あるいはthe largest of all the heavenly bodies).
(解答例)I remember seeing (あるいはhaving seen) that gentleman somewhere before, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember (あるいはrecollect) where it was.
(解説)for the life of me(どんなに必死に努力しても、どうしても)は直訳すれば「私の命が懸かっているとしても」という意味で、否定文で否定を強調するために用いられる言い方であり、少々大げさな言い方です。
(解答例)I don’t care how expensive it is. I’ll have the best one you have (in this shop).
(参考)You know how fond I am of reading.
I know how proud your mother is of you.
(解答例)He asked me to come early the next morning.
(解答例)Mother begged us to keep (あるいはbe) quiet lest the baby should wake (up).
(参考)At the door she entered (あるいはimplored, pressed) him to reconsider what she said to him.
(解答例)I telephoned to him yesterday evening and he said that I might call this morning between eleven and twelve o'clock.
(解答例)①"Do you know," the physics teacher asked the class, "why we put a spoon in a glass before pouring in hot water?"
②The physics teacher asked the class if they knew why we put a spoon in a glass before pouring in hot water.
5、すると彼は、あらゆる考慮をはかりにかけた(weigh every consideration)上での決定かと、私に尋ねました。
(解答例)He then asked me if I had made that decision after weighing every consideration.
(参考)I asked him if he knew (any reason) why the man had committed suicide.
6、少し頭痛(a slight headache, a touch of headache)がするので、アスピリンを飲んだが、寝て治して(sleep it off)みようと思うから床に入るよ、と言って、彼は2階の寝室に上がって行った。
(解答例)①He said that he had a slight headache and had had some aspirin, and was going to bed to try sleep it off, and walked upstairs to his bedroom.
②"I have a touch of headache, and I have taken some aspirin tablets. I am going to bed to try to sleep it off," he said , and walked upstairs to his bedroom.
(解答例)He said (that) he was not sure whether he had left his umbrella at school or in the bus.
(解答例)He said (あるいはapologized, saying) (that) he was really very sorry for what he had done.
(解答例)He said that he lived alone, and that his wife had been dead for some years.
(解答例)①She whispered, "John…, I'm frightened. I cannot help feeling that something's happened to Jimmy."
②She whispered to John that she was frightened and that she could not help feeling something had happened to Jimmy.
(解答例)She asked me the time. She said her wrist-watch had stopped.
(解答例)When a secretary to Washington said, by way of apology for being late, that his watch was too slow, Washington replied, "Get a new watch or I shall have to get a new secretary."
(解答例)He exclaimed with delight that everything had gone well with him.
(解答例)He asked to be remembered to you.
(解説)"Please remember me kindly to him."(「あの方にどうぞよろしく」)
(解答例)According to a friend of mine who came up to Tokyo from Kyusyu a few days ago, the cherry-trees there are already out of bloom, and it is getting rather hot in the daytime.
(解答例)①"Who told you to do that?" demanded the father, in a biting tone, of his son.
②The father demanded his son, in a biting tone, who had him told to do that.
1、ハエを食物の上にとまらせることがどんなに危険なことかを知らない人は、ハエが近づかないようにしておく手数を面倒くさがる(think it too much trouble to~)。
(解答例)People who do not know how dangerous it is to let flies settle on food, think it too much trouble to keep the flies (あるいはthem) away.
(解答例)Those who tell you nice things (あるいはflatter you) to your face are apt to speak ill of you behind your back.
(解答例)Which do you think is happier, a person (あるいはone) who is poor but content(ed) or a person (あるいはone) who is rich but discontent(ed)?
(解説)後半はa poor man who is contented or a rich man who is discontentedとしてもよいです。
(解答例)Nobody will trust a man who is dishonest.
(解答例)The two-storied building whose red roof you see over there is my uncle's house.
(参考)That mountain the top of which (あるいはwhose top) you see over there is Mt. Aso.
6、あなたのお役に立つ(be of use to you)かもしれないと思う本を、私は1、2冊(a couple of books)持っています。お送りいたしましょうか。(電気通信大学)
(ヒント)「~と思う」(I think)をどこに入れるかに注意して下さい。
(解答例)I have a couple of books which I think might be of use to you. Shall I send them (to youは省略)?
(解答例)①I got a letter yesterday from my cousin, from whom I had not heard for a long time.
②Yesterday I received a letter from my cousin after a long absence.
(解答例)The first important lesson (that) a young man should learn is that he knows nothing.
(解答例)There was one out of the three problems that I could not solve.
(解答例)He hurried along (the road) (あるいはmade the best of his way), dragging his sore feet, but it had grown quite dark before he got to the village for which he was bound.
(解答例)I asked him if he would like to come with me, to which he answered (あるいはreplied) yes promptly.
(解答例)We are apt to forget to do what we don't want to do.
(解答例)You have only to do what you are told.
(解答例)People do not always say what they really think.
15、自分の今やっていることは価値がある(worth-while)のかどうか、と考え迷う(wonder)ことがあるでしょう。そんな時、一番良い手は、最善を尽くしてその仕事を続けることです。しまいには(in the end)万事何とか格好がつく(turn out all right)んだという信念を持って(trusting that~)。
(解答例)Don't you sometimes wonder whether what you are doing is worth-while? The best thing you can do at such moments is to continue doing the best (あるいはas well as) you can, trusting that everything will turn out all right in the end.
16、ビタミンCは体に非常に大切で、それが欠けると(without which)歯がゆるみ(become loose)、手足がなえます(become weak)。
(解答例)Vitamin C is very important to the body, without which our teeth become loose and our arms and legs (becomeを繰り返さず省略) weak.
(解答例)We must be very careful of what we eat and drink in summer(-time).
18、テレビの番組で(in the television)、ニュースを読んでいるアナウンサーを画面で(on the screen)眺めていなければならない、然るべき理由があるのだろうか。
(解答例)Is there any good reason why we should, in the television (あるいはTV) programs see (あるいはstare at) the announcer on the screen when (あるいはwhile) the news is being read (あるいはhe is reading the news)?
(解答例)Here in the northern provinces where spring is slow to come (あるいはalways comes late), it sometimes snows even in April.
(解答例)At the beginning of spring when it gets warmer day by day and the days get longer, we usually have very changeable weather.
(解答例)I shall never forget those happy days (which) I spent at this school thirty years ago when I was your age.
(解答例)I don't like the way he speaks to me.
(参考)I don't like the way he thinks.
I don't like his way of thinking.
(解答例)I will come to the hotel at whatever time is convenient to you.
(参考)I'm sorry I can't stay. I have several other calls to make.
(解答例)Of course, I cannot force you to stay if you have other calls to make.
(解答例)It will be very convenient for me if you could come after three.
(解答例)If anyone should call during (あるいはin) my absence, tell him that I shall not be back till evening.
4、汽車はもう10分で(in about ten minutes)出ますから、私達は早くしないと乗り遅れましょう。(名古屋大学)
(解答例)Our train is starting in about ten minutes. We shall miss it if we don't hurry.
5、人によく思って(think well of)もらいたかったら、自分のことをよく言わぬことです。
(解答例)If you want people to think well of you, do not speak well of yourself.
(解答例)If you borrow money, you should pay it back as soon as you can (あるいはpossible).
(解答例)It looks like rain. You had better take an umbrella with you if you are going out.
(解答例)If you can do it, so can I.
(解答例)If you give him money, he will do anything you ask him.
(参考)He would do anything for money.
10、君の言う通りだろうね。過ぎたことをくよくよ言っても始まらんし、それに僕が苦情(a complaint)を言っても、事態を悪くする(make matters worse)だけだろうからね。
(解答例)I suppose you're right; it's no use (あるいはgood) crying over spilt milk and it would only make matters (あるいはthings) worse if I made a complaint.
11、あなたが彼と結婚したら、自分自身の一生を台無しにする(wreck)ばかりか、彼の一生もメチャクチャにして(make a mess of)しまうでしょう。もう会ってはいけません。手紙を書くことも。
(解答例)If you married him you'd not only wreck your own life, but you'd make a mess of his too. You're not to see him again or write to him, either.
(解説)You are not to see~には相手の取るべき行動をこちらから示します(つまり、「命令」です)。You are not going to see~には話し手の「意志」が表われます。
12、もし僕が君だったら、そんなに不平ばかり言ってないな。もっと仕事に精を出し(work harder)、愚痴る(grumble)のを少なくしたっていいんだぜ(might~)。
(解答例)I shouldn't complain so much if I were you. You might work harder and grumble less.
13、頭のいい(bright)子だったから、その気になりさえすれば(put one's mind on~)、したいことは何でもできただろうにと思います。(東京工業大学)
(解答例)He was a bright boy and could have done anything he wanted if only he had put his mind on it.
(解答例)If you had come five minutes earlier, you could have caught the train.
(解答例)①If it were not for (あるいはWere it not for, But for, Without) the light and heat of the sun, total darkness and intense cold would cover our earth and every living thing on it would perish.
②Without the sun’s light and heat, our earth would be a very dark and cold place and all living things would be dead.
(解答例)He could do it if he would.
(解答例)If I had had (あるいはWith) your assistance, I could have finished this work much earlier.
(解答例)She would not have done that if she disliked me.
(解説)裏を返せばShe did that because she likes me.となります。
(解答例)Where should I be (now) (あるいはWhat would have become of me) if it hadn't been for you.
(解答例)I don't know what I should have done without your help.
(解答例)This huge ship (あるいはgiant liner) is so luxuriously accommodated (あるいはoffers such splendid comforts) that it makes one feel as if one were (あるいはone might be) in a first-class hotel.
(解答例)You talk as if you were not going to live long (あるいはyou had not long to live).
(参考)You talk like a fellow who doesn't think he's going to live long.
(解答例)When I was ill, mother suffered as if my illness were her own.
24、一瞬、彼女は私が何かひどいこと(that shocked her)でも言ったような目つきで私を見た。
(解答例)She looked at me a moment as though (あるいはif) I had said something that shocked her.
(解説)提示の順序をas though I had shocked her by something I saidと比べてみましょう。
(解答例)(How) I wish my father had lived to see me now!
(解説)From a happy yet often pensive child, he grew up to be (あるいはand become) a mild, quiet, unobtrusive boy.(たまたまgrew up into a~とも言えます。)
1、金持ちとか権力者(the powerful)は必ずしも外見ほどには幸福ではないものです。
(解答例)The rich and powerful are not always as happy as they seem (to be).
(参考)We are not always as careful of what we say as we should be.
(解答例)The voice of a woman is usually softer than that of a man.
(解答例)Some men are older at forty than others are at sixty.
4、規則正しい生活を送る(be regular in one’s habits)のが学生にとって最も大切です。
(解答例)It is most important for students to be regular in their habits.
(解答例)In spring the days get longer and the nights (getを省略) shorter.
(解答例)He is a far (あるいはmuch) more shrewd person than you think he is (あるいはtake him for).
“Why don’t you wear this pair of shoes?” ”They’re much too small. They hurt my feet.”
Human nature is much the same anywhere (あるいはeverywhere).
(解答例)You look more like your mother than your father.
(解答例)The sun rises much earlier in summer than in winter.
(解答例)I know more of the world than you do.
(解答例)The more you work and play, the more sleep you need.
11、あんな連中(that crowd)とは関わり合いが少なければ少ないほどいい。どれもろくでなし(good-for-nothing fellows)だ。
(解答例)The less you have to do with that crowd, the better. They are all good-for-nothing fellows.
12、運転時間が長くなればなるほど、事故に巻き込まれる(to be involved in)可能性(chances)が増大する。
(解答例)The longer you drive, the greater will be your chances to be involved in an accident.
(解答例)It is better to answer letters as soon as you get them. The longer you delay (あるいはput it off), the harder it will be.
(解答例)①I think this is one of the coldest winters we’ve had for twenty years past.
②This winter seems colder than any we have known for the past twenty years.
(参考)I think he is the rudest man I ever met.
I think I have never met a ruder person.
(解答例)Osaka is the second largest city in Japan.
(参考)Osaka is the largest city next to Tokyo.
(解答例)In the middle of June we have the longest day of the year.
(解答例)There is nothing finer than sailing in a yacht on a smooth sea in nice weather.
(解答例)When we are far away from home, few things give us greater pleasure than the letters from our parents and brothers.
19、何か言いたいことは、腹にしまって(keep~to oneself)おかないで、率直に話し(speak out)た方が精神衛生上、よいらしい。
(解答例)It seems better for our mental health to speak out anything we want to say than keep it to ourselves.
(解答例)Fresh water is as indispensable to health as fresh air.
(解答例)①He is as old (あるいはthe same age) as I.
②He and I are of an age.
(解答例)When you are as old as I am (あるいはreach my age), you will surely think differently.
(解答例)My new fountain-pen does not write so well as the old one.
(解答例)The question is not so simple as it seems at first sight.
(解答例)The earth on which we live (あるいはOur earth) is spherical in shape (あるいはround like a ball), its surface consisting of land and water areas. The water area is about three times as large as the land area.
1、私の言い分(what I had to say)を聞き終わった後で、彼が何と言ったと思いますか。
(解答例)What do you think he said after he had heard me out (あるいはwhat I had to say).
(解答例)I ate nothing (あるいはno food) till I got home.
(参考)She laughed till her eyes filled with tears.
3、何か1つの仕事(a piece of work)を始めたら、仕上げてしまうまで頑張る(keep at it)べきだ。中途半端(half-done)でおっぽり出すのはよくない。
(解答例)When you once (あるいはOnce you) begin a piece of work, you should keep at it till you have finished it. It is not good to leave it (only) half-done.
(参考)Once he starts on something, he will not stop until he is satisfied.(自分の気の済むまで)
(解答例)①It was not until my father was dead that I knew (あるいはOnly when my father was dead did I know) how much I had depended on him.
②When my father was dead, I realized for the first time how much I had depended on him.
(解答例)As soon as bees sense that a storm is on the way (あるいはcoming up), they quit work (あるいはstop working) and go back straight to their hives, we are told.
(解答例)He is one of those men you like more and more each time you see them.
(参考)You seem to grow taller every time I see you.
Bring your sister with you next time (thatを省略) you come.
(解答例)Put back the book where you found it.
Helicopters are convenient for many kinds of jobs where airplanes would be useless.(「airplanesでは役に立たぬであろう」という想像を表わします。)
(参考)In Great Britain there is left-hand traffic, as in Japan, while in the United States of America, there is right-hand traffic.
He rides when he might very well walk.
I sometimes have difficulty getting to sleep even when there are no noises to disturb me.(このwhenは「時」を表わします。)
(解答例)I am going to do this whether I have your help or not (あるいはwith or without your help).
(参考)I’ll marry her―money or no money.
I’m always up at six in the morning, winter or summer.
(解答例)However bad the weather may be, I shall have to start tomorrow.
(解答例)He is a man who will do what he believes right, no matter what people say.
(解説)「誰が何と言おうと」であれば、no matter who might say whatです。
(参考)Whatever he may say, don’t believe him.
(解答例)He is always finding fault, whatever I do.
(参考)He is always finding fault with everything I do.
(解答例)I am so glad to learn that you are quite well again.
(解答例)I’ll remember what you have said (あるいはtold me) as long as I live.
(解説)I shall always remember~でもいいです。
(解答例)At first the teacher thought the boy to be a simpleton (あるいはidiotic), because he would ask him no end of questions.
(解答例)She was such a beautiful girl that everybody turned to look at her as she passed.
16、あまり興奮してきて、彼の言うことは何一つ意味をなさ(make sense)なかった。
(解答例)He became so excited that nothing he said made sense.
17、着物を脱ぐのすらおっくう(an effort)だった。そのまま(as I was)床にもぐり込んで(crept into~)、頭が枕に着くのとほとんど同時に前後不覚にも眠りました。
(参考)I was so tired that I was asleep before my head was on the pillow.
(解答例)It was an effort even to undress. I crept into the bed as I was, and was fast asleep almost as soon as my head dropped on to (あるいはtouched) the pillow.
(解答例)I find the trains so crowded every morning that I now (make it a rule to) walk all the way to school so as to be certain of being in time.
(解答例)We find (あるいはThere are) too many people around us who are so absorbed in themselves that they cannot take an interest in what happens to others (あるいはother people).
(解答例)Let him do as he likes (あるいはhave his way).
(解答例)I did as I had been told.
(解答例)Do you think it possible to improve social conditions so that no crimes will be committed?
(解答例)Explain it so that everybody can understand (あるいはin such a way as to be understood by everyone).
24、毎年収穫が終わると、農業収入の不足を補う(eke out one’s income)ため、農村から都会に出稼ぎに来る人が多い。
(解答例)Every year after harvest many people come to town(s) from villages to seek employment so that they can eke out their income from their farm.
(解答例)”He thinks you are to blame for what happened.” ”Let him (あるいはHe can) think what he likes.”
26、自国語であろうと外国語であろうと、平易簡潔に(in a clear, concise way)書くことほど難しいことはあるまい。(東京外国語大学)
(解答例)I think nothing is more difficult than to write in a clear, concise way (あるいはmanner) whether it be (あるいはis) in your own or in another language.
(解答例)You had better not go out, in case you catch cold.
(参考)Don’t go too near the pond in case you fall in.(落ちるといけないから、あまり池のそばに近寄るな。)
(解答例)My father had no particular gift for writing, as far as I can remember.
(解説)「亡くなった」という意味をmy poor fatherで表わすこともあります。
(解答例)A man may usually be known by the books he reads, as well as by the company he keeps.
(参考)People differ because their surroundings (環境) as well as ancestries differ.
(解答例)Either you are mad, or I am.
(解答例)I am neither tired nor hungry now.
(解答例)I shall call on you tomorrow afternoon between three and four with my friend I spoke to you about the other day.
(解答例)My boat sails from Yokohama on Wednesday, October 8, at nine o’clock in the morning.
(解答例)Would it be convenient for you to call on Tuesday morning at about ten twenty?
(解答例)I am expecting to hear from him in a couple of (あるいはa few) days.
(解答例)I have been absent (あるいはstayed away) from school with a cold for three days.
(解答例)Edison was born on February 11, (in) 1847, in the State of Ohio, America.
(解答例)I shall be at the station at eight o’clock sharp.
(解答例)The new school building will be completed by the end of this month.
(解答例)I became acquainted with him during my stay in London.
(解答例)I called at his house the day before yesterday, but he was away on a trip.
(解答例)”Well, here we are at the station. It is a quarter to nine, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is. Your train leaves at a quarter past (nine), so you are in (あるいはhave) plenty of time.”
(解答例)Won’t you lend me your knife if you have it on you? I want to sharpen my pencil.
(解説)your knife, itは持っていることを決めてかかった言い方です。これを不明とするなら、a knife, oneとなります。
(参考)Won’t you let me have a nickel if you have some? I want to make a telephone call.
Won’t you let me have some nickels if you have any?
(解答例)He is fond of playing the piano. For an amateur he plays very well.
(解答例)Be careful when you cross behind or in front of a standing bus or car.
(解答例)At Manila we changed from ship to airplane and flew back to Tokyo.
(参考)The fire spread from house to house.
16、そんなにあわてる(be in a hurry)ことはありません。タクシーで行けば、3時半の急行には楽に間に合い(be in good time for)ますよ。
(解答例)You need not be in such a hurry. If you go by taxi, you will be (あるいはget there) in good time for the 3:30 express.
(解答例)He lay awake till well after (あるいはlong past) midnight.
(解説)till after (あるいはpast)は二重前置詞です。
(参考)One night my grandmother woke to find a burglar in her room and had to hand over her rings. She was unable to call for help until after he left. ―Eleanor Roosevelt, This is My Story
(解答例)Let’s talk over a cup of tea.
(解答例)Are you going by plane or by boat?
(解答例)He is not good at making excuses.
(解答例)Between twelve and sixteen I enjoyed reading very much.
22、さあ、時間になりました。今日はこれでおしまい(that’s all)。
(解答例)Well, time is up. That’s all (あるいはSo much) for today.
(参考)What did you have for lunch?
(解答例)You must not depend (あるいはrely) so much on (あるいはupon) others.
24、一年中(all the year round)暖かい気候のために、Miamiは避寒地として人気を得ている。
(解答例)Thanks to (あるいはBecause of) its warm climate all the year round, Miami has become (あるいはis) a popular winter resort.
25、言いたいことは遠慮なく言うがよい。率直に話し合うこと(a frank exchange of opinions)は相互の理解を深める第一歩だ。(東京大学)
(ヒント)「言いたいことを言う」はsay what one has to sayのことですが、簡単にsay one’s sayとも言います。もちろん、express one’s opinionとかstate one’s viewsでもよいです。
(解答例)It is much better to say your say without reserve. A frank exchange of opinions is the first step towards a better mutual understanding.
(解答例)My sister is terribly shy with strangers.
(解答例)Which train shall we go by? There’s one at nine and another at half past ten.
(参考)What train are you going on?(何時の汽車に乗っておいでになりますか。)
28、あれやこれやでそのことについてはすっかり(completely, clean)忘れてしまっていたのです。
(解答例)Between (あるいはWhat with) one thing and another, I had clean forgotten about the matter.
(解答例)I have so much (あるいはa great deal) to do and so little time to do it in.
(参考)Ah, there’s so little time and so much to tell you.
(解答例)At what time of the day are you usually at home?
(解答例)On which day(s) of the week does he come here?
(解答例)What (illness) did he die of so suddenly?
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